By: Mindy
Tick Tock Tick Tock. Waiting for hunting season seemed endless. I practiced and practiced preparing for my autumn bow hunt. I shot my bow in my back yard for what seemed forever when my arms got tired. All my practicing paid off after I started hitting the bulls eye.
Over the summer I decided not to gun hunt when rut rolled around. But I didn’t know that everything would change. During my bow hunt up north the day before opening day of gun season…and rut. My Dad’s friend convinced me to go hunting with a gun. So the next morning, dark and early, I got up to prepare for my first gun hunt. And that gun hunt turned into a month of gun hunting. At first I used my 20 gauge while my Dad used his 300 short mag (up north of course). And then when we came back from our weekend hunt up north I used my 20 gauge and my Dad used his .50 caliber muzzleloader. But then I decided I wanted to use a bigger gun so my dad and I kind of switched, I would use his .50 cal. And he would use my 20 gauge in case I shot at something and there was another deer or as a back up shot if it started to run into thick woods. But unfortunately not a bullet came out of the .50 cal muzzleloader, 300 short mag, or my 20 gauge. Not even an arrow out of my bow.
I think that this was an excellent first season. I saw 1 doe, but she was out of range. On my up north hunt my Dad pointed out a dew claw mark that was six inches long and four inched wide. (Big Boy in the woods )
When I first began my hunting season I thought only about getting a deer. But that’s not always what hunting is about. Hunting is about enjoying nature and having fun. Even if you don’t see anything. Hunting isn’t just about shooting animals.
I love hunting and I don’t think I will stop hunting.
So this is the end to a great season. I guess I will wait until next year to see if I get anything down.
I want to thank my Dad for getting me hooked on hunting!
Hunting Rocks!!!!!!!
By: Mindy
December 21st, 2008
miis adventure
14 years ago