On one of my past fishing trips a few years back, in a small inland lake around southern Michigan, I was fishing with my Grandpa and Grandma on their pontoon boat. I was having a lot of fun fishing off their boat because pontoon boats are so big and I didn’t have to worry about hooking someone. Well anyways nobody had caught anything yet so we decided to head to a new spot, so we did.
At the new spot my sister had gotten some small nibbles, but caught nothing. So on one cast, I felt a tug. I told my Grandpa and when he came over my rod had started bending quite far, and I had a rather small rod. So then my Grandpa said, “Its just weeds” he probably thought that because the “Thing” wasn’t fighting back. So as I reeled it in it gave another small tug. Then my Grandpa was like, “It’s a fish! No… its weeds! It’s a fish! No! It’s weeds! What is it??”
So as I was reeling it in, it went under the boat, that’s when my Grandpa finally realized that it was a fish!
It finally happened, I reeled it all the way in. And it was far by the biggest fish I had ever caught or seen!!! It was 18 inches long, probably about 6 pounds or so, and was a bass!! My Grandma wanted to take a picture of it with me, but since I was little, I didn’t want to hold it. So my Grandpa had to hold it for me. After a couple of pictures we threw the fish back into the lake and I was so happy that I had caught the fish!
After that we moved the pontoon boat to a new location and my sister caught a few small fish and so did my Grandpa. But no one caught a fish as big as mine! Which is why my fish was declared the catch of the day!
I have never caught a fish as big since. So that’s probably why I still remember that very day. I also might remember because my Grandparents had the picture on their fridge for a while. But I will never forget my catch of the day.
miis adventure
14 years ago
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