November 14th, 2008
Early Morning
I wake up at 5:30 in the morning and eat breakfast, toast and orange juice. (YUM)
After I ate my breakfast, I got on my camouflage and I got my bow and arrows out. My Dad and I headed out at about 6:15 am. It was pitch black out and drizzling. My Dad took me out to the wooden blind about 250 yards back and I opened up the windows and sat down. My Dad and I heard and saw nothing. So at about 10:00 we headed in and ate lunch.
November 14th, 2008
I headed out at about 2:00 and my Dad and I set up and watched for deer.
At dusk we heard something and my Dad told me to stand up, it was a partridge (or a quail). My Dad said I could shoot it. I was about to draw back but it walked away to fast.
We heard and saw nothing.
Late night November 14th, 2008
After dinner my Dad’s friend convinced me to go gun hunting. I felt confident after that.
Opening Day 2008
Again we heard and saw nothing. But this time my Dad and I were in a large pop up blind and in a new location.
Suddenly, closely, a gun went off and we thought that it was my Dad’s friend’s son that shot the gun but when we got back to the house nothing was there. My Dad and I were on private property so it was quiet on our side of the road. On the other side is public property so there are a lot more hunters over there. Oh! But where I was hunting, another partridge and 2 does.
Opening Day (Night)
We set up in the pop up and sat and sat and… sat. Nothing. All the sudden…BANG! A gun went off, across the road.
My Dad and I still saw nothing that night.
When we went back to the house my Dad’s friend and his son were sitting there and were like ‘Keep your stuff on, we have to go drag out So and So’s deer’ I took off my stuff and put on lighter stuff. My Dad, his friend, his friend’s son, his friend’s nephew, and me went out to drag out my Dad’s friend’s son’s deer out of the woods. We got there and a 3-point was lying on the ground, gutted out but there. We tied it and walked back.
By: Mindy
November 20th, 2008
miis adventure
14 years ago