Bear Tracks
My family and I were camping up north at Harrisville State Park. I really love going up there, and just camping, the only thing that bugs me are the bugs themselves, they always get into our trailer-camper and stay on the ceiling, and I HATE BUGS! So anyways, my mom, dad, my sister, and I were looking at the activities that were scheduled for that day, there was one that said, Bear Scouting, so my dad and I went to it. There the presenter brought a fawns hoof, a bear foot, bear crud, and I think she brought a beehive. The lady told us a lot of information like, when a doe leaves her fawn in the morning to look for food, the bears come and eat the fawn! She also told us that at the campground, there have been sightings of bears in the dumpsters! After we were told all the information, the lady took us out in the woods to look for old dens that the bears had hibernated in, and she had some people look for bear poop. All the people ever found was skunk crud. I had fun and I think that my dad did to, and I guess we learned something too.
By Mindy
miis adventure
14 years ago